Friday 13 October 2017

A New Game Progress (finally finished filming!)

This weekend, we managed to finish filming the UI segments. Now for the rest of the month we'll be working in Adobe Premier Pro and Aftereffects to polish up the animation and add sound files.

Here's a .gif of the possible UI selection options that we will incorporate into our animation using Aftereffects

Stop-Motion Review: Foxed! (2013) by James Stewart

Image result for Foxed! 2013Foxed! is a short film about a cautionary tale of a young girl who has been kidnapped and forced to work in a mine by foxes. The stop-motion work is really smooth (even if for some scenes, the girls face wasn't that expressive), and the lighting is superb. I particularly enjoyed a shot where you see the girl, but the shadow behind her is that of a fox- either that has been done by creative lighting and model placement or the same scene had been shot twice (one with the fox, the other with the girl) and composited together. Even though the story of Foxed! was darker than I expected, I still enjoyed this short immensely.

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