Monday 16 October 2017

A New Game progress (editing film footage)

A New Game Progress:

 Today we started doing post-production edits to our film footage. We figured out how to convert our raw footage into something we can use (either TARGA sequences or .avi files) in Adobe Premier Pro. We have collated our raw footage into the first rough cut, where the UI sections have to be edited so that they make sense and the audio added.

In Premier Pro we also learned how to crop out sections of frames to help clean up and edit shots.

I used what I learned to edit out Marilyns hand in the rough cut of this scene.

A screenshot of our current progress on Premier Pro

Stop-motion Review: More (2016) by Lawrence Becker More is a short about a man who digs into the ground chanting "There must be more than this". The story and premise is very simple, more of a visualisation of a joke than a story, but this film is still a light and entertaining watch and the use of silhouettes is creative and serves the story well. And while the dialogue between the characters on the screen is natural and flows well, the majority of the short is the the man falling down the hole he dug, which, like the dialogue, flows well and was entertaining to watch. During the end credits, it shows how the man falling scene was made by placing the environment around him, which I though was entertaining and creative.

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