Monday 4 September 2017

A New Game progress armatures

This week we started work on the character armatures, based on Michael Parks' tutorial on Youtube (

Marilyn working on the armatures and the tutorial

 The completed armatures, Lulu's armature passed the test of being able to stand on one foot by me sticking nails out of the bottom of her feet. Zack (left) and Lulu's (right) armatures sitting on the couch.

I worked on the face parts for the videogame character, so he can change expressions throughout the animation.

Both Chloe and Marilyn working on the UI elements. Chloe was working on the videogame character and Marilyn was working on the clothing options.

Stop-motion review:

Hedgehog in the Fog (1975)


Hedgehog in the Fog is a short stop-motion film directed by Yuri Norstein, detailing the adventures of a hedgehog in a foggy meadow on his way to meet up with his friend to count the stars. The effects of this film were achieved by layering sheets of glass over each other to give a 3D effect and the "fog" was achieved by lifting a thin sheet of paper close enough to the camera that the foreground elements were clear, but the background elements were blurry and white.
I enjoyed this film on both a narrative and technical level, as the story was reasonably compelling and the stop-motion was excellently done. My only real issue was with the sound quality as some of the louder noises nearly blew out my ears.
I was maybe thinking of using a (very) simplified version of this for the UI sections of A New Game, but it is unlikely that we will be able to remove the reflections on the clear perspex sheet.

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