Monday 24 July 2017

Class work in Stop-mo

Today, we saw the rooms where we'll work on and film our stop motion project, it turns out SIT used to be a bank and is a bit of a maze.

For the cameras, we learned how to change a lens. The old lens is removed by pressing the black button on the front of the camera and the new lens can be inserted by lining up the white ticks on the side of the camera and the lens and turning.

Dragonframe is a stop-motion software, where the camera and the dragonframe keyboard are hooked up to the same computer. When the software is open, the camera settings can be changed and photos can be taken and compared using the dragonframe software.
The camera settings can be changed in the cinematography workspace on Dragonframe.

We used Dragonframe and Plasticine to make a short stop motion video:
We called it Snakers and it is amazing.

For the video, we put the camera too close to to scene and the aperture could not be small enough to put everything into focus, hence why some things were fuzzy.

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