Saturday 15 July 2017

A New Game character concepts (older brother)

For our Stop-motion animation, each member of the group were tasked with designing a character (Chloe got the younger sister, Marilyn got the base for the video game character and I got the older brother). We are planning on making the character designs fit together as a cohesive whole as we tweak them as a group in future meetings.

Here's the finalised turnaround of the older brother. The colour palette could use some work and we may not use the chain on the final model, but I think it's a decent start.

Here's the idea sketches sheet I did prior to the turnaround. I initially had the Brother have spiky hair, but I wasn't sure it would survive the rigors of shooting. Most of the idea sketches were me trying to make the character model work as a piece of claymation on a wire armature, and may be subject to change when we look at the materials we have available, the timeframe we have and our sculpting skills.

Text on image says, from top to bottom [explanatory notes in brackets]: 

Hair stays clear of eye [for expression clarity]
Armature wire? [I was thinking of looping the armature wire, then coating it in clay to make the hand move as a single unit rather than trying to articulate individual fingers]
Will spend most of the animation like this [the character will be sitting, so we won't have to worry about them being balanced on his feet]
If we can pull off the chain and torn pants in clay that'll be fantastic [these features can be omitted in the final model, but I'll be sad to see them go]
Use a clay overlayer for fingerless gloves [potentially practical advice for pulling off elements such as the shirt stripes and the fingerless gloves on the clay model]
Single unit of clay [the hand will move as a single unit]
Make mouthshapes on paper and stick them on between shots? (think Robot Chicken) [This is me thinking how we can do lipsyncing]
Shirt ideas [I was thinking about simple patterns to put on the shirt, which I forgot to put on the turnaround]

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