Sunday 11 June 2017

lip sync

"For the last time, the polarity's fine and the batteries are the right way round"

Made some lip syncing today. In ToonBoom, I made a new layer for each face element (eyebrows, pupils, eyes, mouth etc.) and drew a new drawing shape on each frame. The Drawing Substitution box (under the library tab, next to tool properties) saves the drawings made on each frame, so when a new shape is needed, I can cycle through the 'saved' drawings until I reach the right one. This method was how I did the lip syncing and eye movements.

I may make the animation more dynamic by changing the angle and direction of the character when they speak.

I did it! To make the movements of the character seem less sudden, I (manually) added blurs. There's probably a better way to do it, but at the time the only thing I really cared about was making the animation readable.

I also did a version with smears

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