Wednesday 7 June 2017

Italian Neorealism

Italian Neorealism


Italy had been under the fascist regime since 1924, the neorealist movement began in Italy after WWII as a response to the political turmoil and desperate economic conditions afflicting the country at the time.
Neorealism criticizes the view of society as a collection of individuals who are indifferent to the suffering of others

In the 1930s, Melodramas were popular with Italian audiences. The film industry often showed Telephono bianco (white telephone) films, which often depicted the emotional turmoil of Italy's upper class and American cinema. Neither of these film genres appealed to the poor or working class Italians.

Neorealistic films appeared realistic due to the contrast of the films that preceded them

Neorealism conventions:

Neorealism often had a distinct visual style

filmed on location

non-professional actors

natural lighting

minimal or subtle editing and post-production processes

documentary style of photography

stories focused on the poor and working class

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