Sunday 2 April 2017

Simple animations 126

Today we learned the basics of ToonBoom Harmony.

I learned that < and > can be used as short cuts to make new key frames, allowing you to animate something frame by frame

My name is done frame by frame, so its really jittery (Photoshop did something weird with this so it flickers too)

To achieve this in ToonBoom, you make the shape on a drawing layer, then add a peg layer on top of it. A peg layer allows you to move the drawing without having to edit the drawing itself. With the peg layer selected, make sure the animate button and the transform button are selected. With both buttons highlighted, select the keyframe 25 frames down and move the drawing peg to the position you want. You can also copy and paste this movement.

You can set the ease type to the S-curve so the peg accelerates and decelerates as you need.

To add a background (and keep it consistent for all the frames) you add the picture in the first frame and then select the last frame and click F5 (extend exposure)

This gif (if it loads) is of a "coin" moving from side to side 

Pendulum animation (Photoshop didn't do something weird with this thank god)

To do the pendulum animation, when you're transforming the shape in the peg layer, put the rotation point at the top of the string and do the same thing as the coin animation, but rotate the image instead.
For my pendulum animation, I added a shadow. I couldn't figure out how to get it to shrink and darken the closer the pendulum gets to the floor without de-syncing it from the pendulum.

I employed squash and stretch to make this ball bounce.

This bouncing ball scene employs both movement and squash and stretch. The ball had to be animated frame by frame
To make the ball "disappear" I added another layer of grass in front of it. I also had to add in another bounce on the left so the ball would enter the scene.

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